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Honorary members of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences


1. Aleksandrov Anatoliy Petrovich - physicist
2. Alfyorov Jores Ivanovich - The Nobel Prize winner in physics
3. Demirel Suleyman - ex-president of Turkey
4. Dogramaji Ihsan - a prominent scientist in medicine
5. Kheldsh Mstislav Vsevolodovich - a prominent scientist in mathematics and mechanics
6. Kerimov Kerim Ali oglu - a prominent scientist in space science and technology
7. Lotfi Zade – a renowned founder of the theory of fuzzy logic
8. Mirzabeckov Andrey Daryevitch - a renowned scientist in biology
9. Muskhelishvili Nikolay Ivanovitch - a prominent scientist in mathematics and mechanics
10. Osipov Yuri Sergeevitch – a founder of a number of theories in mathematics and mechanics
11. Paton Boris Yevgenyevitch - a prominent scientist in electrical engineering
12. Ali Akbar Hashemi Bahremani Rafsanjani - ex-president of Iran
13. Tavkhelidze Albert Nikiforovitch - a prominent scientist in physics
14. Khain Victor Yefimovich – an outstanding researcher in geotectonics and paleogeography 

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