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Khan Palace

Sheki Khan Palace was included in the list of world monuments. Summer Palace of Sheki khans was built by Hussein Khan, grandson of Haji Chalabi Khan, founder of the first independent khanate in 1761-1762. Hussein Khan, at the same time being as a poet was also known under the pseudonym “Mushtaq’. In some sources this palace has been noted as Palace of mushtaq. Khan\'s palace surrounded by the castle walls was of two-storied, and consisted of six rooms, four corridors, two mirror balconies.

Kish temple

Albanian temple located in the village of Kish of Sheki region of Azerbaijan.
According to legend, the religion brother of Jesus Prophet, holy Yakov sends holy Elysee to promote Christianity to Albania. After the missionary in Chola province the holy Elysee coming to Kish village in the province of Uti builds a church here. Being not only the first Christian church in the territory of Caucasian Albania, in general built in the Caucasus this famous Kish temple is located in Kish village.

Sheki, where from the ancient Great Silk Road passed, was a center of silk production, and trade caravan routes linked it with other khanates and many other foreign countries. Of course, in the city with such a natural-geographic and strategic situation the absence of caravanserai is not possible.
Caravanserai buildings built in XVIII-XIX centuries in the city were not just for accommodation of caravans and travelers but also intended for large commercial operations.

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