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Labor songs

Labor songs are art texts reflecting the labor process.  Many of these texts are polished with ritual, faith, ceremony and way of life details. The following are related to labor song:

Plougher songs
The life of plougher, reaper is praised in ploughed songs, which are most ancient samples of folk poetry.  These songs are those songs created directly by ploughers during the labor process. One syllable, one hemistich plougher songs in ancient times were developed and then it turned to 2-3, 2-3-4- hemistich songs. The most spread plougher songs of oral poetry is holav. Being the product of the last periods and each couplet consisting of 4 hemistiches the holav is in the form of bayati (seven):
Ala kəlim, bizə gəl,
Dağdan enib düzə gəl.
Dırnağının gözüylə
Qara düzü bəzə gəl.  

Sayaçı songs 
Sheep-breeding life has been praised in the songs of sayachı, which entered our oral poetry as the first labor songs of the nomad kins. The first appearance of these songs coincides with the period of domestication of the sheep. As these songs were performed during sheep shearing, during foetus, while shifting to summer pasture in mountains and etc ceremonies, so they are  considered as ceremony songs, too:
Qoyunlu evlər gördüm,
Qurulu yaya bənzər.
Qoyunsuz evlər gördüm,
Qurumuş çaya bənzər.

Songs of milking
Among songs of our people related ancient time cattle-breeding, the songs of milking occupy special place.  Compared to saya songs, milk yielding though was created among nomad tribes, but they were accepted easily by tribes living with sedentary life: 
Dutum, dutum,
Nənəm, dutum,
Səni sağan, 
Dutum, dutum,
Mənəm, dutum,
Bacım, dutum.

Hunter songs
Hunter songs concerning to more ancient times always were formed in connection with  that profession, and entered in our oral poetry with exclaimed, call words. Hunter songs have been accompanied with music played on wineskin (blister), pipe, and whistle in some cases:
Ova gedən,
Ovun tuş.
Ovun olsun 
Maral, quş...

Fisher songs
Fisher songs take special place among labor songs, too. It is assumed that these songs were formed at primary development stage like in poetic thoughts of peoples lived around the seas and rivers, as it was described in songs of oral poetry of world peoples. In all fisher songs refrain “Yahu is kept. Example:
Röyyama girdi,
Sirrimi bildi
Tor atdım,
Üzümə güldü

Silkworm breeder songs
Silkworm breeder songs sometimes are known among people with name of songs of kümçü (cocoon). These songs mainly praise cocoon, its important, its importance, protecting of cocoon from the evil eye:
Çıxdı qızım
Büküb qoydum
Naz-naz olsun.
Az-az olsun.

Songs hana 
Songs related to weaving and carpet-making take important place among labor songs. Hana songs are songs sung during making a loop. First hana song reached us as following:     
Asma gül,
Basma gül,
Gülüm xınalı
Döşü minalı!

Ceremony songs
These songs known under the name of ceremony songs are divided into two parts:
1) Songs of season ceremony
2) Songs of ceremony of way of life

1. Songs of season ceremony
Among these songs thee raining of the rain, rising of the sun, blow of the wind, faith to fire, water, wind and “Pre-Novruz songs” (“Chilla songs”, “Songs of last Wednesday of year”, etc) occupy special places). Examples:
Gün çıx, gün çıx,
Kəhər atı min çıx.
A yel baba, yel baba,
Qurban sənə, gəl baba.
Taxılımız yerdə qaldı
Yaxamız əldə qaldı.
Əkin yerim qalmadı,
Dərin almanı, dərin,
Dərdim alma qalmadı,
Sərin almanı, sərin.
Böyük Çillə
Boyu bir belə...
Gəldi elə
Getdi gülə-gülə
Ağ gülünü də,

Songs of ceremony of way of life
Songs of ceremony of way of life are songs related to daily way of life of the people in our oral poetry. These songs had been formed in connection with the most important events happening in the life of the man.

Songs childbirth I connected with
The traditional picture of childlessness has been idolized in the folk, and different songs were created by people about childbirth:
Sancıları gələr-gedər,
Atalar gülər gedər,
Nənələr nənni qoyar
Nəvəsin bələr gedər 

Wedding songs
Wedding songs comprises the majority of the songs of ceremony of way of life. As wedding passes in various stages (from engagement till wedding) each stage has its specific songs. Different ceremony and faiths had been reflected in these songs. Examples:
Qızılgülün dəstəsiyəm, yar-yar,
Bacıların bəstəsiyəm, yar-yar.
Qonşu məni xəbər alsa, yar-yar,
Deyin yarın xəstəsiyəm, yar-yar.

Dərmişəm şirin narı
Şirin deyərlər yarı.
Hamıdan şirin olar
Kiçik qardaşın yarı.
Mourning songs
Among songs of ceremony of way of life the mourning songs are wide spread samples. Spread. They have spread among people with names of yugh, yughlama and aghi, and was appeared in relation with sorrow, condolence of the people:
Sarı gül...
Sarı qönçə, sarı gül.
Bilsəydin solalısan,
Aşmayaydın barı gül!

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