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Shirvan State Natural Reserve


Shirvan State Natural Reserve was established in 1969. In 2003, on the basis of the Shirvan State Natural Reserve and surrounding areas Shirvan National Park was established. The main purpose of the creation of the reserve was to protect a symbol of beauty in the Republic of Azerbaijan, gazelle, which included in the   Red Book, and other fauna species, which is typical for this area.
Although Shirvan State Natural Reserve is located in semi-desert zone, but its fauna is very rich. Here, a lot of mammals, reptiles and amphibians can be found.
Antelope, beaver, wild boar, rabbit, Caspian seal, wolf, jackal, fox, badger, etc. animals are inhabited in the Reserve. The reserve has more sedentary and migratory birds. Birds like partridge, little bustard, bustard, swan, brown goose, golden goose, Guba goose, Gyzylbash duck, gray duck, mallard, coot, great white heron, a small white heron, gray heron, yellow heron, and etc. were settled here. The pink pelican, black stork, little bustard, bustard, sultan hen, flamingo, whispering swan, migratory birds such as small swans are protected in the reserve , which included in  Red Book of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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